Friday 7 March 2014

How To Make Him Last Longer In Bed (Adults Only)

It’s embarrassing for him and it’s not fun for you, when it all ends... too early. So, we got top sexologists to reveal some secrets for having longer and better sex.

"Everyone's idea about what a normal time to last is differs," according to expert. "Normal men last an average of just over 7 minutes. However, there are some men who claim to have premature ejaculation, but who can last around 25 minutes!"

The important thing is that you're both having fun. Whatever your usual bedroom habits are, you can use these tips to gear up for a full-on award worthy sesh...

Communication: It seems obvious, but good communication between you and your partner can make or break a successful session. If he doesn't know what you want, he's not in a great position to give it to you - and vice versa! Be careful not to hurt his pride as sexual performance is a sensitive spot for everyone.

Focus on the positives and try saying something like, "Let's take it slow and see how long we can go on," or "That was great - next time, let's do it for even longer." If he's worried and wants to talk, reassure him and offer gentle advice rather than criticism. But don't push the issue, stressing him out will only make things worse!

Switch positions: Mixing things up always makes for an enjoyable experience, and it can also set you on track for a marathon sex special. Changing positions is not only fun, it can make your partner last longer.

The brief moment when you're arranging yourselves gives him a moment to collect himself, and switching pose means he'll be stimulated in a different way.

Focus on you: If he needs a moment to calm down before continuing, it's not selfish to have him focus entirely on your pleasure... Well, not too selfish anyway! Get him to tantalize you with all your favouriteforeplay techniques so you're ready to rock when he's back on form. The more times he takes a break, the longer your Olympic effort can last, and if he keeps you going each time he has a breather, you won't be complaining!

Have more sex:  We reckon he'll be a fan of this one... One of the easiest ways to help him last longer is simply to have more sex. "Studies have shown that men who have regular sex tend to last longer in bed than men who don't," says Annabelle.

Now if that's not a great reason to get jiggy with it, we don't know what is! Don't pressure yourself to meet any targets, but increasing your weekly sessions might be the answer if you're holding out for a long-lasting sexathon. Practice makes perfect, after all.

Go for round two: Who said an Olympic sex session had to mean just having sex once? If your first attempt leaves you wanting more, then try keeping yourselves amused (we're sure you can use your imagination) until you're ready for a second round.

You won't both always be in the mood, but if you can get going a second time you can prolong your bedroom antics no end. He'll take longer to come after the first climax, so you'll have more time to enjoy yourselves and turn a sprint into a long-distance run.

Finally, Don't give him what he wants:  It sounds mean, but not giving him exactly what he wants may be the key to helping your sex session last longer. Sometimes, you have to be cruel to be kind!

If you know that one position gets him off quickly, stop and change places before he goes too far. Or if talking dirty immediately sends him over the edge, hold your tongue to make for a longer build-up.

The same goes for you. If certain moves wear you out faster and you're going for an extended sesh, hold back.  It might go against your immediate instincts, but you'll appreciate it in the long run!

Credit: Sofeminine

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